INDO SUPERPOWER 90 packaged emulsion explosive is a robust, high strength, detona- tor sensitive explosive having a fiĀ¬rm putty-like consistency. Products are sensitized through chemical gassing.This new generation explosives are characterized by high degree of intimacy between oxidizers and fuels in the composition which leads to high VOD and optimum strength.

Brand Id : 1436.

Size Code : CBA, CAI, CAA.

Product Specification

The information contained in this leaflet is given without warranty and cannot cover all conditions of use. Users should undertake their own tests to ensure the suitability of the products for their own particular application.


Since each droplet of oxidizer is bounded by fuel, it is best suited for use in water columns, mines, stone quarries, tunneling, well sinking and civil works for better frag- mentation & output.

Class & Division: Class 6 Div. 2

UN Classification: Class- 1.1D, UN No. - 0042