INDO BOOST Cast boosters, a mix of PETN and TNT, are reliably initiated by detonators or by detonating cords containing at least 5.0 g/m PETN. These boosters have been spe- cifically designed to provide reliable initiation of pumped, augered and packaged explosives.

Brand Id : 1417.

Size Code : BBO, BAZ, BAT & BAJ

Product Specification

The information contained in this leaflet is given without warranty and cannot cover all conditions of use. Users should undertake their own tests to ensure the suitability of the products for their own particular application.


DO BOOST can be used for effectively initiating cap insensitive charges in a borehole at any predetermined point in a column of explosive charge.


Class & Division: Class 6 Div. 2

UN Classification: Class- 1.1D, UN No. - 0042